Sponsor Recognition

We are so grateful for those who have made, and continue to make, monetary contributions to support each of our programs.

We would like to honor and recognize the following individuals:

In loving memory of Dee Beede, a dear family friend and the first individual who joined the Board of Directors of In His Image New Life Christian Stables, Inc. 

In loving memory of Betty Smith, a dear family friend who lovingly supported our ministry and faithfully mailed $20.00 every month along with her handwritten letter. 

 In loving memory of Laurie Rector, a dear family friend who supported us with all her heart and gave all she could to support our programs and services.


With heartfelt thanks and appreciation to:

The memory and in honor of Malzie Crutchfield Baldwin.

The Richland Therapeutic Riding Program, Inc. 

The loving memory of Melvin and Pauline Doeringer. 

D&D Portable Toilets – 18445 Proper Rd Mt. Vernon, OH 43050. 740-393-3886 

The numerous individuals and families who wish to remain anonymous.

New Life Christian Stables
14134 Downing Road
Croton, Ohio 43013

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